Explaining financial assistance 20.07.21

We are currently facing a very difficult time in our communities across NSW, as many people are struggling with the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

NSW Labor has been listening to both businesses and workers in NSW, and has repeatedly called for a comprehensive support package since this lockdown began.

Today NSW Labor also called on the Federal Government to re-introduce JobKeeper in our state, so that businesses and workers can survive the harder lockdown announced on Saturday. JobKeeper would help alleviate the pressure on businesses, and reassure workers that their jobs are secure and will remain after the lockdown.   

In regards to what support is currently available, I wanted to provide you with some information to guide you through the support package from the Federal Government and the NSW State Governments.

Support with Housing

Assistance for Residential Tenants:

 There is protection from eviction for residential tenants who have suffered a 25% or more loss of income due to the lockdown restrictions.

  • Please talk to your landlord and inform them that you have lost income and require a rent reduction.

  • Please note that landlords can access financial assistance to cover lost rent.

  • You can contact the Tenants’ Union if you run into problems here: https://www.tenants.org.au/tu/about/contacts

Assistance for Residential Landlords:

There is land tax relief or grants for landlords who reduce the rent of tenants who have been impacted by the restrictions.

Land tax relief is provided to landowners who reduce rent for Covid-19 impacted tenants between 1 July and 31 December 2021. Eligible tenants can receive up to 100% of their 2021 land tax liability.

Landowners who do not pay land tax can alternatively apply for a $1500 grant per residential tenancy.


  • For landlords who provide at least that much rental relief

  • Tenants must have lost 25% or more of their income

Eligible landlords will receive grants within 60 days of their application. For further information please see the information from the Department of Fair Trading: https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/resource-library/publications/coronavirus-covid-19/property

 Please also call Service NSW for more information on 13 77 88.

 Assistance for Commercial Landlords

 Landlords cannot evict retail or commercial tenants without mediation, these protections will last for the entire lockdown. There is land tax relief for landlords who reduce the rent for impacted tenants. The payment is up to 100% of their 2021 land tax liability.


For landlords who provide rental relief to tenants who are eligible for the:

  • Micro-business Covid-19 Support Grant, 2021 Covid-19 NSW Business Grant and/or Job Saver scheme

 For further information please see here: https://www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/news-media-releases/covid-19-tax-relief-measures/2021-land-tax-covid-19-relief-guidelines-jul-dec

 For mediation support please see the information here: https://www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au/what-we-do/mediation https://www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au/resources/mediation-application-forms

 Tenants in commercial or retail premises

 Impacted tenants in commercial and retail tenancies in NSW will be offered protection. Landlords cannot lock out or evict impacted tenants without first going to mediation.


  •  Must have an annual turnover of $50 million or less

  • Must be eligible for either the micro-business Covid-19 Support Grant, the Covid-19 NSW Business Grant, or the JobSaver Scheme

Housing support

For assistance for people who have been made homeless or are seeking temporary accommodation contact Link2home in the first instance, as they are organising accommodation during the lockdown, phone 1800 152 152 or please see further information here: https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/housing/help/ways/are-you-homeless

The NSW Government has committed to providing hotel and motel accommodation to anyone who is at risk of sleeping rough and additional funding has been provided to support this.

Covid-19 Disaster Payment

There are payments for workers who have been unable to earn income due to the Covid-19 lockdown:

  • $325 – $375 if you lost 8 – 20 hours of work per week or a full day of your usual work hours

  • $500 – $600 if you lost more than 20 hours per week

You can apply for these payments if you live or work inside or outside Greater Sydney.

For more information please contact Services Australia: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/covid-19-disaster-payment  

Support for micro-businesses including sole traders and small non-profits

If you’re a micro business impacted by the current Greater Sydney Covid-19 restrictions, you may be able to apply for a $1500 payment per fortnight of restrictions from late July 2021.


  • Businesses that provide the primary income source for a person associated with the business.

  • Annual turnover of more than $30,000 and under $75,000

  • A revenue decline of 30% or more

For more information please see here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/covid-19-business-support-2021


Support for small to medium businesses including sole traders and small non-profits


In late July, small to medium businesses may be eligible for tax-free payments of 40% of pre–covid weekly payroll, from $1,500 to $10,000 per week (paid fortnightly).

For non-employing businesses, you can apply for $1,000 weekly.  

Eligibility for JobSaver:

  • Must have between $75,000 and $50 million turnover

  • Must maintain staffing levels as of 13 July

  • Must have 30% reduction in turnover

Applications will be open from late July.

For more information and/or to register please contact Service NSW: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/covid-19-business-support-2021

Covid-19 Business Grants

On the 19th of July, applications will open on the Service NSW website for a one-off payment to help businesses with cashflow support for the first three weeks of lockdown.

The payment is between $7,500 to $15,000 depending on your revenue decline.

Eligibility for the grant:

  • A revenue decline of 30% or more

  • Payroll up to $10 million

  • Annual turnover above $75,000

 For further information please contact Service NSW: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/covid-19-business-support-2021

Payroll Tax


For businesses with the following:

  • A revenue decline of 30%

  • with Australian wages up to $10 million 

You could be eligible for:

  • 25% reduction in 2021-22 payroll tax.


  • Any businesses paying payroll tax can opt to defer payments on the 2020-2021 annual reconciliation return and wages paid in July and August.

  • Interest free 12-month repayment plans for deferred payroll tax

For further information please see the information from Revenue NSW: https://www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/news-media-releases/nsw-government-announces-deferral-of-payroll-tax-until-7-october-2021-and-new-stimulus-payment-arrangement

Support for accommodation providers

Eligible tourism accommodation providers that have lost business during the school holiday period may be eligible for support.

The assistance provided will be based on the number of cancelled ‘room nights’:

  • $2,000 for losses of up to 10 room nights

  • $5,000 for 11 or more room nights 


  • Revenue lost from 25 June to 11 July 2021 inclusive

  • Able to demonstrate evidence of cancellations

Please contact Service NSW for further information on 13 77 88.

Support for the Performing arts

Certain not-for-profits, commercial theatres and commercial music venues may be eligible to receive support to meet the costs for current productions, to assist rescheduling performances after restrictions are lifted.

The amount of the payment will be based on venue capacity, average ticket price and considered with an agreed percentage tied to the health orders.

Applications will open in late July with further information.


  • Organisations must be able to provide at a minimum evidence of performances scheduled, average ticket prices and venues.

For further information please contact Service NSW on 13 77 88.

NSW Labor believes we need a recovery plan for when the lockdown is over and that we must ensure we are able to tackle the inequalities that the lockdown has exposed in our State.

I hope you are all staying safe during this difficult time.